Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Classic Joke To Start Your Day: Fornication

One day Jason comes home from school, goes straight to his father and asks, "Dad, what is fornication?".  Jason gets the same answer all Jewish fathers give: "Why don't you ask your mother, son?"

So Jason goes into the kitchen and asks his mother, "Mom, what is fornication? Dad said you would know."

His mother replies, "I'm busy right now Jason, why don't you go and ask your bubbe? She will tell you."

So Jason goes upstairs to his bubbe's room, knocks on her door and shouts, "Please, Bubbe, what is fornication? No one here seems to know. "

Bubbe says, "Come inside, tatteleh."

She then takes him to her closet, opens the door, takes out a beautiful full-length pink, beaded evening dress and says, "Now, this, tatteleh, is foranoccasion!"

A tip of the kippah to Marsha in Texas at for this one. 
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