Friday, January 22, 2016

A New Version of Lecha Dodi at New York's Central Synagoue

The song Lecha Dodi is a central part of the Friday night synagogue service of all Jewish denominations all over the world. 

With all of the services that we've attended over the years, we thought we'd heard them all. And we probably have. But musical talent is emerging  in places that we haven't attended. 

The Internet and YouTube have been instrumental in introducing new music to people who otherwise would not have been exposed to it.

In looking for video clips to share with you in welcoming Shabbat each Friday, we discovered this new one that premiered last year at the Central Synagogue in Manhattan. It was composed by Elana Arian, who plays the guitar and sings it together with Associate Cantor Julia Cadrain and Senior Rabbi Angela Buchdahl.

Enjoy and Shabbat Shalom!


  1. So blessed to a member of Central Synagogue

  2. Sorry, but as a traditional Jew. I find this whole thing sick. Greeting the Shabbat by blatantly transgressing the laws of Shabbat with musical instruments and microphones would be laughable if it wasn't so tragic. And these women posing as Rabbis, sad.

  3. I am a fundamentally traditional 70+ year old and am still getting used to female rabbis and chazanim some of whom are as mixed in quality as are their male counterparts. But what makes me sad is that someone with the brave openness of calling him/herself "Anonymous" can label as "sick" a lovely piece of Jewish tradition while some so-called traditional Jews and their leaders act as if there is but one truth and in the teeth of God's teachings and requirements fail to respect differences between people of genuine faith especially our own. We are all suffering because of what is happening between peoples of other faiths and teachings with differences of practices and beliefs. We should try to be different. This was an appealing rendition of Lchah Dodi. The presentation was neither sad nor tragic and compared more than well with the males who oppress women and pretend to be orthodox while behaving disgustingly both morally and financially to the detriment of traditional Judaism.

  4. A great musical arrangement for the Shabbat of songs.

  5. Any way we greet Shabath, it pleases God
    I am also pleased as well

  6. I agree with the comments of Richard Henry, the criticism of the clergy and singing by Anonymous is absurd. Central Synagogue is fortunate to have some of the most engaging, smartest and talented clergy in the country.
